The First Project

Andre King
Nov 15, 2020

My first software engineer project was a CLI project that collected data from a API. My app generated some of the best quotes from the tv show The Office, I’m a huge fan of the show and, I thought it would be a great idea to make a project on it. This project really helped sharpened my problem solving skills.

This project was fun and very challenging, I had to restart and change up my plans a couple of times which was a little frustrating but I knew that would happen anyways because this is my first project I’ve ever done.

I had a lot of fun making this project all together but, my favorite part about this project was making the CLI. The CLI is what the user using your app sees I enjoy seeing something I made output into a terminal or on a website. I’ve learned a lot from this project and it really helped me understand object orientation and scraping.

